Our Community

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - African proverb

Further, Faster

We know you’re passionate about your career. We also know that life as a solopreneur can be very lonely. Spending all day in your car, and then all night writing reports, is exhausting. Feeling more squeezed than empowered, you’re desperate for a solution. Well, we think we’ve got one… And Lief is only the half of it.

The other half is bringing a community together of like minds. A place where you can not only ask questions (no matter what time it is), but truly connect.

Everyone who signs up for Lief will be invited to a private membership community - we’re calling it Canopy. As a member, you’ll have 24/7 access to support as you grow your business and a place to celebrate your wins.

In terms of making sure Lief allows you to thrive, we believe this will be a very important piece of the puzzle.

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