Freedom Starts Here


Our Why

We’ve been where you’re at. Frustrated because our work days go much longer than they should. If only there were solutions to speed things up… It’s 2020 and I’m still relying on pen and paper?!

Those days are over.

Our team has developed an application to help self-employed health care professionals manage their day-to-day practice. It’s called Lief and we know you’re going to love it!

We’re All About A Brighter (Automated) Future.

At Jiraftek we’re passionate about building applications that improve lives. Despite it being 2021, there are still gaps in automation for some of the most time-consuming tasks.

We’re starting with one solution - Lief.


Lief Every Day

There’s nothing like Lief.

Private consultants have long needed a solution to automate their end-to-end workflow. Our unparalleled technology offers greater efficiency, while keeping important information safe and secure.

Reducing reporting time. Increasing income.  

Are you ready?

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